HTML Image Tag: 'Img' tag is used to add an image on the web page. It is a self-closing tag. <img src = " " alt = " " />
Here, In 'src' we insert the source of an image either from any website or self-directory. But, In any case, if the image has not been found by Browser then 'alt' represents the cause of image unavailability. Apart from that, we can add more properties according to our requirements: <img src = " " alt = " " height = " " width = " " title " " />
Here, By using 'height' and 'width' attributes we can set the height and width of the image and by using 'title' attributes, the desired text can be displayed on the image when the cursor will move over them.
HTML Audio Tag: An audio tag is used to add the audio on the webpage. <audio src = " " >write audio representative text when the audio file isn't found by the Browser </audio>
Here, we add a source of the audio file and write some audio-representative text. But still, we will be getting errors, Our audio file will not be found by the browser on the webpage. At that time, we add 'controls' attributes: <audio src = " " controls></audio>
After adding the controls attributes our audio symbol is visible as well as able to play on the webpage. Apart from that, we have more attributes according to our requirement: If we want autoplay then add 'autoplay' attributes, If we want mute then we add 'muted' attributes. Ex: <audio src = " " controls autoplay muted></audio>
HTML Video Tag: This tag is used to add video on the webpage and It is added to the HTML code the same as an audio tag. <video src = " " controls autoplay muted height = " " width = " " ></video>
Another type of adding video tag, <video controls> <source src = " " /></video>
Here, we can add multiple videos using the multiples 'source' tag. It is used in that situation when the source of one video is not found (which means the video is unable to play) then another source is executed. Note: It is also valid for the 'audio' tag. By using this way we can add multiple audio sources which work like a 'video' tag.
HTML Links: The anchor (<a>) tag used to add links on the web page. It allows users to jump to another page. syntax: <a href = " url "></a>
Here, 'href' is an attribute where we insert a link to another web page/website. Apart from this, we have to insert a target
attribute to open the linked page on another tab(Browser Window ). Because, by default, the linked page is displayed in the current browser window. The target
attribute has one of the following values:
- Default. Opens the document in the same window/tab._blank
- Opens the document in a new window/tab._parent
- Opens the document in the parent frame._top
- Opens the document in the full body of the window. Example:<a href="" target="_blank">Google</a>