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Articles with this tag
HTTP: For client-server communication, there are some sets of rules, from which we have one rule 'HTTP'. The hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) has...
HTML TABLE: It is a combination of rows and columns. It allows web developers to store data in rows and columns. we have a <table> tag for adding a...
HTML Form: It is the most important concept of HTML. It is a self-closing tag. By using it we send client information to the server because it...
Block-level Elements: It always starts on a new line. It occupies full line space on the Browser Because the Browser adds space(margin) before and...
HTML Image Tag: 'Img' tag is used to add an image on the web page. It is a self-closing tag. <img src = " " alt = " " /> Here, In 'src' we insert the...
HTML Tags: Tags work as an identifier for a Browser which identifies the content, which has been written inside tags. They begin with < symbol and end...