Full understanding of the network: Network, Internet, WWW, IP Address, Port Number, DNS, Cache.

Overview: Networking concepts are an essential aspect of web development. Understanding how networks, the internet, and various protocols work is crucial for web developers, to create reliable and secure websites. As a web developer, it's important to understand how the internet works. This includes concepts like networks, the internet, the World Wide Web (WWW), DNS, IP addresses, and port numbers.

Network: In the world of web development, A network is a group of interconnected resources which share their data, and information, among them. For example, In our college, we know our juniors, our seniors, and batchmates which can be called a network. Similarly, look at the railway network, All the railway stations are connected by a railway track in it. Hence, It is also called a network, Likewise, if we see a group of computers which has connections, called computer networks. It can vary in size from a small-scale local network in a home or office to a large-scale global network like the Internet.

As a web developer, when we start interacting with the network need to consider some factors such as network speed, bandwidth, and latency to ensure that their site loads quickly and is easily accessible to users.

Internet: A network of computers network called the Internet but, they have standardized communication protocols to exchange data and information. The Internet provides access to a vast array of resources, including websites, email, online applications, and digital media.

WWW (World Wide Web): The World Wide Web (WWW or simply the Web) refers to a system of interconnected web pages and resources. When we want to access any resources from the internet then we have to mention www, which ensures the standard protocol to share information and resources.

It is a platform where we create, publish, and consume digital content, including websites, web applications, multimedia, and more.

The Web is often described as a distributed system, it means web pages and resources are hosted on servers located all around the world. This allows users to access information and resources from anywhere with an internet connection, making the Web an essential platform for global communication and collaboration.

IP Address: On the internet, all devices are connected among them. In this situation, IP Addresses help to identify and communicate with a unique device. For example, If we order something from an e-commerce website, need to think about how they are delivered. It becomes possible because we have shared our addresses. They are able to locate our home with help of the address Because our home is unique, also under a unique area, on a unique pin-code with a unique house number. Likewise, On the internet lot of devices have been connected, then how to identify devices for requesting? Here comes the role of IP address which makes our task easy, because it is unique.

IP addresses come in two main types: IPv4 and IPv6. IPv4 addresses are the most common type and consist of four sets of numbers between 0 and 255, separated by dots (for example, IPv6 addresses are longer and consist of eight sets of four hexadecimal digits, separated by colons (for example, 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334).

IP addresses are used to identify servers that host websites and web applications. When a user types a domain name (such as hashnode.com) into their web browser, the browser uses a DNS server to translate the domain name into the IP address of the server that hosts the website. The browser then sends a request to the server using the IP address, asking for the web page or resource requested by the user.

Port Number: The port number is a numeric identifier used to identify specific services running on a server. Port numbers are used to help route data to the correct destination on a network and are an essential component of Internet communication protocols.

If a website is hosted on a non-standard port, users may need to include the port number in the URL to access the site. For example, if a website is hosted on port 8080, users would need to enter the port number in the URL like this: http://website.com:8080/.

Considering VS Code's Live Server extension, port numbers are used to identify the local web server that is serving the website or web application. By default, Live Server uses port number 5500 to serve web content, but users can specify a different port number if needed.

DNS: DNS, or Domain Name System, is a system used in web development to translate domain names, such as "hashnode.com" into IP addresses that computers can understand. DNS servers maintain a database of domain names and their corresponding IP addresses, allowing web browsers and other applications to access websites by their domain names instead of their IP addresses.

Cache: Cache refers to a mechanism for storing frequently accessed data in a temporary storage location to reduce the time it takes to access the data in the future. Caching is used to improve the performance and speed of web applications by reducing the number of requests made to the server and minimizing the amount of data that needs to be transmitted over the network.

One example of caching in web development is browser caching. When a user visits a website, their browser stores certain resources such as images, stylesheets, and JavaScript files in its cache. The next time the user visits the same website, the browser can retrieve these resources from its cache instead of requesting them from the server again, resulting in faster page load times and reduced bandwidth usage.